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Herzing NU216 Final Exam Part 5 (82 questions)/Herzing NU216 Final Exam Part 5 (82 questions)

Herzing NU216 Final Exam Part 5 (82 questions)/Herzing NU216 Final Exam Part 5 (82 questions)

1. The nurse is caring for a client who is 1 day postoperative for an open thoracotomy. This client has a benign neoplasm of the left lung. The client is receiving oxygen mist at 40%. The O2 saturation measured by pulse oximeter was 83. ABG results are: pH 7.32, PO2 93 mmHg, PCO2 50 mmHg, HCO3 25 mEq/L. Which of the following nursing actions would be a priority for this client?
2. A nurse is caring for a client who has Addison’s disease and is at risk for Addisonian crisis. Nursing care for this client should include which of the following nursing actions?
3. A patient is admitted to the emergency department with a severe exacerbation of asthma. Which finding is of most concern to the nurse?
4. A nurse is preparing teaching for a female client who smokes, is obese, and has hypertension. In establishing health promotion goals for the client, the nurse should recognize that which of the following is an inappropriate recommendation for the client?
5. While admitting a client for a cardiac catheterization, the nurse asks the client about allergies. The client states, “I always get a rash when I eat shellfish.” Which of the following is the priority nursing intervention?

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