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NR507 Midterm Exam 2023 / NR 507 Week 4 Midterm Advanced Pathophysiology Midterm Exam Latest 2023-2024 Chamberlain College Of Nursing(VERSION B)

NR507 Midterm Exam 2023 / NR 507 Week 4 Midterm Advanced Pathophysiology Midterm Exam Latest 2023-2024  Chamberlain College Of Nursing(VERSION B)

NR507 Midterm Exam 2023 / NR 507 Week 4 Midterm Advanced Pathophysiology Midterm Exam Latest 2023-2024 Chamberlain College Of Nursing(VERSION B)

The lung is innervated by the parasympathetic nervous system via which nerve?





Fibers of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) travel only in the vagus nerve to the lung.

What is the action of urodilatin?

Urodilatin causes vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles.

It causes vasodilation of the efferent arterioles.

Urodilatin inhibits antidiuretic hormone secretion.

It inhibits salt and water reabsorption.

Urodilatin (a natriuretic peptide) inhibits sodium and water reabsorption from the medullary part of collecting duct, thereby producing diuresis. It is not involved in the actions described by the other options.

What is the direct action of atrial natriuretic hormone?

Sodium retention

Sodium excretion

Water retention

Water excretion

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) inhibit the secretion of renin, inhibit angiotensin-induced secretion of aldosterone, vasodilate the afferent and constrict the efferent glomerular arterioles, and inhibit sodium and water absorption by kidney tubules. The other actions are not a result of the atrial natriuretic hormone.

Which statement best describes a Schilling test?

Measurement of antigen-antibody immune complexes in the blood to test for hemolytic anemia

Measurement of serum ferritin and total iron-binding capacity in the blood to test for iron deficiency anemia

Administration of folate and measurement in 2 hours of its level in a blood sample to test for folic acid deficiency anemia.
The Schilling test indirectly evaluates vitamin B12 absorption by administering radioactive B12 and measuring excretion in the urine. This selection is the only option that accurately describes a Schilling test.

Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) can occur if the mother:

Is Rh-positive and the fetus is Rh-negative

Is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive

Has type A blood and the fetus has type O

Has type AB blood and the fetus has type B

HDN can occur only if antigens on fetal erythrocytes differ from antigens on maternal erythrocytes. Maternal-fetal incompatibility exists only if the mother and fetus differ in ABO blood type or if the fetus is Rh-positive and the mother is Rh-negative. This erythrocyte incompatibility does not exist in a

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