{"page_title":"Upload a document - Knoowy","page_description":"Upload and sell documents such as summaries, lecture notes, practice exams, and study reports on Knoowy","lang_header_title":"Create quizzes","lang_header_step1":"Create questions","lang_header_step2":"Add information","lang_header_step3":"Link questions","lang_header_step4":"View quiz questions","lang_page_info1":"

Create quizzes <\/h4>\r\n

Test whether you are ready for the exams with self-made quiz questions. Make quizzes for each subject and study book to prepare and test whether you will pass the subject matter. <\/p>","lang_page_info2":"

Test your knowledge <\/h4>\r\n

Students who test their own knowledge by means of quizzes get higher grades. Quiz questions help you learn the material faster and remember it better. <\/p>","lang_page_info3":"

Sell practice questions <\/h4>\r\n

Have other students also practice the exam material using your quizzes. You can sell your quizzes for any price. You get paid everytime someone downloads your questions. <\/p>","lang_volgende_stap":"Next \u203a","lang_page1_titel":"Title of your quiz","lang_page1_titel_placeholder":"Enter a title","lang_page1_omschrijving":"Description","lang_page1_omschrijving_placeholder":"A good detailed description will help other users find your quiz.","lang_page1_oefenvragen":"Quiz","lang_page1_vraag":"Question","lang_page1_antwoord":"Answer","lang_page1_oefenvraag_toevoegen":"Add a quiz question","lang_vorige_stap":"Previous","lang_welke_land":"Which country is it for?","lang_welke_taal":"In what language is it written?","lang_omslagfoto":"Avatar","lang_publiceren":"Publish your quiz","lang_verkoopprijs":"Sales price","lang_totale_verkoopprijs":"Total sales price:","lang_transactiekosten":"Service charge:","lang_commissie_knoowy":"Commission Knoowy:","lang_verdiensten_per_download":"Earnings per download","lang_welke_niveau":"Which level?","lang_kies_school":"Choose a school","lang_kies_opleiding":"Choose a study","lang_kies_vak":"Choose a course","lang_koppel_document":"Link to document","lang_selecteer_document":"Select document","lang_koppel_studieboek":"Link to study book","lang_hoofstukken":"Chapters","lang_koppel_studieboek_placeholder":"Search for study books","lang_hoofstukken_placeholder":"Which chapters of the book?","lang_oefenvragen_maken":"Make quiz for document","lang_publiceren_tooltip":"When you publish your quiz, other students can purchase and learn from your quiz questions, and you get paid for every sale.","lang_page1_vraag_placeholder":"Enter a question","lang_page1_antwoord_placeholder":"Please enter an answer","lang_select_choose":"- Make a choice -","lang_oefenvragen_opslaan":"Save your quiz","no_title":"Choose a title for your quiz.","title_to_short":"Title must be at least 3 words.","no_description":"Describe your quiz.","description_to_short":"Description must be at least 10 words.","no_questions":"No questions have been made yet.","less_questions":"Make at least 16 questions.","no_country":"Choose a country for your quiz.","no_language":"Choose a language for your quiz.","no_price":"Set a price for your quiz.","lang_omslagfoto_tooltip":"Image that is added to your quiz and gives it extra attention.","question_empty":"Question [nr] cannot be empty.","answer_empty":"Answer [nr] cannot be empty.","lang_more_information":"More information","lang_faq_title":"Frequently Asked Questions","lang_faq_ontvang1":"

How much money do I earn per document sold?<\/h4>\r\n

The selling price is, at all times, determined by the seller. By default, the seller gets 60% of the selling price when a document is sold. This percentage can be increased by earning extra percents. The maximum percentage on can earn is 70% of the selling price.<\/p>","lang_faq_ontvang2":"

Which documents can I sell?<\/h4>\r\n

You may sell all your homemade study documents at Knoowy. Most of the documents on Knoowy are book summaries and lecture notes. An important condition is that the document is homemade. You may not sell copies of other people's work, because that is plagiarism.<\/p>","lang_faq_ontvang3":"

How can I pay out?<\/h4>\r\n

You have to arrange and determine the moment of payout of your balance yourself. You can cash out as soon as you've earned 15 dollars. Go to \"balance\" and complete the details to pay out.<\/p>","lang_faq_ontvang4":"

Do I need to promote my documents?<\/h4>\r\n

It is important to promote your documents with friends, fellow students and others. This extra advertising ensures you get more downloads, and thus more money.<\/p>","lang_faq_link":"Check out all frequently asked questions","lang_info_title":"Create and sell quizzes","lang_info_content":"On Knoowy you can create quizzes that you can use to practice for exams and tests. You can also publish these questions for other students. Fellow students can test whether they have mastered the study material when preparing for their exams..","lang_info_oefenvragen_maken":"Create quiz","lang_info_top_title1":"Practice effectively","lang_info_top_content1":"With quiz questions you can learn very effectively and test if you master the study material.","lang_info_top_title2":"Generate questions","lang_info_top_content2":"Automatically create quiz questions by Knoowy through AI, based on your text or topic.","lang_info_top_title3":"Earn money","lang_info_top_content3":"Practice questions can be sold and are a good addition to your documents.","lang_info_top_title4":"Expandable","lang_info_top_content4":"You can always adjust quizzes or add new questions. Knoowy also offers various methods to practice the material.","lang_info_hoewerkthet":"How does it work?","lang_info_stap_title1":"Create quizzes","lang_info_stap_content1":"Test yourself with homemade quizzes. Create quizzes for each subject and textbook to prepare and test your knowledge of the subject matter.","lang_info_stap_title2":"Test your knowledge","lang_info_stap_content2":"Students who test their own knowledge by means of quizzes get higher marks. Practice questions help you learn the material faster and remember it better.","lang_info_stap_title3":"Sell quizzes","lang_info_stap_content3":"Let other students also practice the subject matter using your questions. You can sell your quizzes for any amount. You get paid every time someone downloads your questions.","lang_info_inloggen_facebook":"Login via Facebook","lang_info_gebruikersnaam":"Username","lang_info_mail":"E-mail address","lang_info_wachtwoord":"Password","lang_info_nieuwsbrief":"Send me the newsletter with Knoowy updates","lang_info_voorwaarden":"By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy<\/a> and Terms of Use<\/a>.","lang_info_verder":"Next","lang_info_ik_heb_al_account":"I already have a Knoowy account","lang_info_testiomonial_title":"Why do others use quizzes?","lang_info_testiomonial_content":"Eline is a student and studies VWO in the direction of culture and society. Read below why she likes to use and sell quizzes on knoowy.

I learn best by repeating the material. By making quizzes I think about the material and I remember it better. By the time of the exam I can see if I still master the material. At first I make practice questions for myself, but I also put them for sale on Knoowy. Occasionally my questions are downloaded by other students. As a result, I also have something left over financially, which is a nice bonus.<\/span>","lang_info_usp1":"Making quizzes is new on Knoowy.","lang_info_usp2":"Good addition to summaries and other documents.","lang_info_usp3":"Easy to add to a bundle.","lang_info_usp4":"The average selling price of quiz is 3 dollar.","lang_info_usp5":"More than 100 new registrations per day.","lang_info_usp6":"126,000 Knoowy users who help each other every day.","lang_page_info4":"

Create quiz questions by AI<\/h4>\r\n

Let Knoowy automatically create quiz questions for you. At the touch of a button you can generate an extensive set of quiz questions related to your topic.
Create quiz questions by AI \u203a<\/b><\/a><\/p>","lang_ai_title":"Don't have the knowledge to make the quiz questions yourself?","lang_ai_link":"Create quiz questions by AI \u203a","lang_upload_home":"Home","lang_upload_upload":"Upload document","lang_upload_aankopnotifactie":"At the moment you are still buying a document.
It is not allowed to upload copyrighted material and documents of poor quality.","lang_upload_content":"Selling documents is simple. First upload your document and subsequently add extra information. You determine the price yourself and you get paid every time your document is downloaded.","lang_upload_selecteer":"Select a document","lang_upload_of":"OR","lang_upload_voorbeeldpaginas":"Number of preview pages","lang_upload_voorbeeldpaginas_tooltip":"The number of pages of your document that visitors may view for free.","lang_upload_afbeelding":"Book cover","lang_upload_afbeelding_tooltip":"Image that is shown with your document so that it draws extra attention.","lang_upload_avatar_kiezen_button":"Choose image","lang_upload_stap_button":"To step 2 \u00a0 \u203a","upload_succes":"File has been successfully uploaded","upload_extensie_fout":"The file has an invalid extension.","upload_maxsize_fout":"File is too large (max 3MB)","upload_systeem_fout":"File has not been uploaded, system error","upload_mapaanmaken_fout":"Folder could not be created","upload_maprechten_fout":"Folder permission error","geen_doc_upload_msg":"Upload a document such as a summary or other study material.","lang_upload_wat":"What kind of documents can I sell?","lang_upload_wat_content":"Knoowy supports every type of document. Every document of worth should be sold on Knoowy. Below some examples are given of documents that have been uploaded to Knoowy.","lang_upload_bladeren_button":"Upload from computer","lang_upload2_label_1":"In what category do you want to place your document?","lang_upload2_label_2":"In what language is it written?","lang_upload2_label_3":"Give your document a title.","lang_upload2_label_4":"Tags (seperate with comma)","lang_upload2_label_5":"Selling price","lang_upload2_label_6":"Describe your document extensively","lang_upload2_select_category":"- Choose a category -","categorie_empty_msg":"You have to choose a (sub) category","title_empty_msg":"The title cannot be empty.","omschrijving_empty_msg":"The description cannot be empty.","title_to_short_msg":"The title is too short [min. 3 words]","omschrijving_to_short_msg":"The description is too short. Use at least 25 words. Describe how the document is structured, something about the subject or how it has helped you to achieve a good result.","lang_upload2_naar_stap3_button":"To step 3 \u00a0 \u203a","lang_upload3_verwerken_button":"To step 4 \u00a0 \u203a","lang_upload4_header_1":"The document has been successfully<\/span> uploaded!","lang_upload4_header_2":"Every document that is uploaded to Knoowy will be screened by our employees so that we can guarantee safety and quality.","lang_upload4_linktekst_1":"Upload another document","lang_upload_label_countries":"For which country is it intended?","lang_upload2_totale_verkoopprijs":"Final selling price:","lang_upload2_transactiekosten":"Service charge:","lang_upload2_commissie":"Knoowy fee:","lang_upload2_verdiensten":"Earnings per download","lang_select_country":"- Choose a country -","lang_select_country_first":"- Choose a country first - ","kies_school":"- Choose school -","kies_opleiding":"- Choose course -","kies_niveau":"- Choose level - ","kies_niveau_label":"Choose level*","kies_school_label":"Choose school*","kies_opleiding_label":"Choose course*","nieuw_school":"Add new school*","nieuw_opleiding":"Add new course*","nieuw_niveau":"Add new level*","country_empty_msg":"Select a country","lang_empty_msg":"Select a language","lang_upload_step1":"Upload","lang_upload_step2":"Document information","lang_upload_step3":"School information","lang_bezig_verwerken":"Just a moment please. Document processing...","lang_bekijk_document":"View document","lang_verder_doc_kopen":"Continue buying document   ›","lang_verdienmeer1":"Be smart and earn up to 80%<\/b> on your documents","lang_verdienmeer2":"By default, the seller receives 60% of the sales price for each download on his balance. This percentage can be increased by earning extra percentages.","lang_like_knoowy":"Like Knoowy on Facebook","lang_like_knoowy_info":"We will keep you posted, you receive tips, and you will earn 3% extra.","lang_share_knoowy":"Share Knoowy on facebook","lang_share_knoowy_info":"Let your friends know that Knoowy exists, and we help you pay the rent.","lang_tweet_knoowy":"Tweet your love for Knoowy","lang_tweet_knoowy_info":"All you need is love... Give us some attention and you get 1% extra.","lang_button_share":"Share in a Facebook group of your course","lang_button_tweet":"Share on Twitter","lang_upload_step4":"Promotion","lang_upload4_button":"Next \u203a","lang_promotie_titel":"Work as a tutor and help students with their studies.","lang_promotie_info":" Offer study services","lang_promotie_settings":"Earn money by giving tutoring, checking theses, delivering translation work, or help students in a different way.","lang_upload_register_facebook_login":"Login through Facebook   \u203a","lang_upload_register_gebruikersnaam":"Username","lang_upload_register_mail":"Email","lang_upload_register_wachtwoord":"Password","lang_upload_register_voorwaarden":"Accept our
terms of use<\/a>","lang_upload_register_inloggen":"I already have an account Knoowy","lang_upload_register_verder":"Go on   \u203a","lang_promotie_copy_text":"Share the document via email, whatsapp and other platforms to reach other students.","lang_promotie_copy_button":"Copy the link","lang_upload_twitter_share_text":"Buy and sell summaries of students. Upload your own study documents and earn money.","lang_upload0_info_title":"Earn money on your study documents","lang_upload0_info_content":"Sell summaries, lecture-notes, study guides and practice exams written by students from your school.","lang_upload0_info_box1_title":"1. Do you have study documents?","lang_upload0_info_box1_content":"Are you going to write book summaries this semester? Or do you have any others documents lying around from previous years which may be valuable to other students?","lang_upload0_info_box1_link":"Read more \u203a","lang_upload0_info_box2_title":"2. Upload to Knoowy","lang_upload0_info_box2_content":"Sign up for free and upload your documents to Knoowy. Determine the selling price yourself and promote your documents so that many students download it.","lang_upload0_info_box2_link":"Read more \u203a","lang_upload0_info_box3_title":"3. Earn per download","lang_upload0_info_box3_content":"Once somebody buys your document, you get the money you earned directly credited to your account. Use your balance to buy other documents with discount or pay out.","lang_upload0_info_box3_link":"Read more \u203a","lang_omschrijving_placeholder":"Write a comprehensive description of your document with the most important keywords. This way your document can be easily found by Knoowy users and search engines. Use terms like summary, book, and relevant courses and authors.","lang_upload_register_nieuwsbrief":"Send me the newsletter with Knoowy updates","lang_upload_register_voorwaarden2":"By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy<\/a> and Terms of Use<\/a>.","lang_voor":"","lang_hulp_met":"","lang_geen_boektitel_gevonden":"Have you spelled the book title correctly? The book will added to Knoowy.","lang_bundel_documenten":"Bundle documents and quizzes","lang_oefenvragen_nieuw":"New","lang_v2_top_title":"Sell summaries and study materials","lang_v2_top_content":"On Knoowy, thousands of students sell summaries, notes, quizzes and homework assignments. You sell your study documents to other students, so that they can better prepare for their exams and at the same time you earn some extra income.","lang_v2_start_uploaden":"Start uploading","lang_v2_usp_title1":"Make money","lang_v2_usp_content1":"Give your study documents a second life and earn money from summaries and notes you've already made.","lang_v2_usp_title2":"Help students","lang_v2_usp_content2":"Students are very greatful when they have extra material available to study for their exam or other assignments.","lang_v2_usp_title3":"Get rich sleeping","lang_v2_usp_content3":"Continue to earn from your summaries even after your studies. Create an passive income for yourself.","lang_v2_usp_title4":"Easy upload","lang_v2_usp_content4":"Uploading documents is quick and easy. You only need to take the time to upload your document once.","lang_v2_how_title":"How does it work?","lang_v2_how_info1":"Create a free account","lang_v2_how_content1":"Do you have any useful documents on your computer for other students? Or are you planning to write a good excerpt of a course you are taking? Then create a free account and sell your documents to other students.","lang_v2_how_info2":"Upload to Knoowy","lang_v2_how_content2":"Upload your documents to Knoowy. You determine the selling price yourself. With the right description and the other meta data such as school and course, students can find and download your summary.","lang_v2_how_info3":"Earn per download","lang_v2_how_content3":"You earn money every time your document is downloaded. You can have your balance paid into your bank account, or you can use your balance to buy other documents at a discount to better prepare for your own exams.","lang_v2_sell_title":"What can you sell on Knoowy?","lang_v2_sell_content":"On Knoowy you can sell all study documents that you have written yourself.","lang_v2_sell_toegestaan":"Allowed","lang_v2_sell_niet_toegestaan":"Not allowed","lang_v2_sell_item1":"Summaries","lang_v2_sell_item2":"Lecture notes","lang_v2_sell_item3":"Homework assignments","lang_v2_sell_item4":"Theses","lang_v2_sell_item5":"Practice questions","lang_v2_sell_item6":"Presentations","lang_v2_sell_item7":"Portfolios","lang_v2_sell_item8":"Papers","lang_v2_sell_item9":"Book reports","lang_v2_sell_item10":"Projects","lang_v2_sell_item11":"Old exams","lang_v2_sell_item12":"Copied slides","lang_v2_sell_item13":"Scanned textbooks","lang_v2_sell_item14":"Published articles","lang_v2_testimonial_title":"What do others say about Knoowy?","lang_v2_testimonial_content":"Karlijn studies communication. Read how she earns an extra income every month thanks to selling summaries on Knoowy.

\r\n \u201cEvery exam week I make summaries. Making summaries helps me to study the course. By writing a summary, I am attentive to the study material and because of that I remember everything better. I sell my documents because it makes a lot of money. I also help other students with my summaries. With the money I earn, I mainly buy new clothes and nice things for my room.\u201d<\/span>","lang_v2_stats1":"More than \u20ac650,000 worth of summaries sold.","lang_v2_stats2":"Users have already uploaded 50,000 documents.","lang_v2_stats3":"Multiple sellers with more than $10,000 in earnings.","lang_v2_stats4":"126,000 Knoowy users who help each other every day.","lang_v2_stats5":"Average selling price of a document is $5.- dollar.","lang_v2_stats6":"More than 100 new students sign up every day.","lang_v2_top_content2":"Upload your summaries and other study documents to Knoowy and earn money every time your document is downloaded.","lang_verdienmeer_button":"Earn more","html":{"stap_content":"
