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A nurse is assisting with the care of a client who has a femur fracture and is in skeletal traction. Which
of the following actions should the nurse take?
1) Loosen the knots on the ropes if the client is experiencing pain.
2) Ensure the client’s weights are hanging freely from the bed.
3) Check the client’s bony prominences every 12 hr.
4) Cleanse the client’s pin sites with povidone-iodine.
A nurse in a provider’s office is reinforcing teaching with a client who has anemia and has been taking
ferrous gluconate for several weeks. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?
1) Take this medication between meals.
2) Limit intake of Vitamin C while taking this medication.
3) Take this medication with milk.
4) Limit intake of whole grains while taking this medication.
A nurse in a provider’s office is reinforcing teaching with a client who has anemia and has been taking
ferrous gluconate for several weeks. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?
1) Take this medication between meals.
2) Limit intake of Vitamin C while taking this medication.
3) Take this medication with milk.
4) Limit intake of whole grains while taking this medication.
A nurse is reviewing the plan of care for a client who has cellulitis of the leg. Which of the following
interventions should the nurse recommend?
1) Apply topical antifungal agents.
2) Apply fresh ice packs every 4 hr.
3) Wash daily with an antibacterial soap.
4) Keep draining lesions uncovered to air dry.
A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who is postoperative after having an ileostomy established.
Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?
1) Empty the pouch immediately after meals.
2) Change the entire appliance once a day.
3) Limit fluid intake.
4) Avoid medications in capsule or enteric form.
A nurse is caring for a client with severe burns to both lower extremities. The client is scheduled for an
escharotomy and wants to know what the procedure involves. Which of the following statements is
appropriate for the nurse to make?
1) "An escharotomy surgically removes dead tissue."
2) "A cannula will be inserted into the bone to infuse fluids and antibiotics."
3) "A piece of skin will be removed and grafted over the burned area."
4) "Large incisions will be made in the burned tissue to improve circulation."
A nurse is collecting data from a client who has a possible cataract. Which of the following
manifestations should the nurse expect the client to report?
1) Decreased color perception
2) Loss of peripheral vision
3) Bright flashes of light
4) Eyestrain

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