Create quiz by AI

Indicate what you need quiz questions about and Knoowy will make the questions for you.

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The more context you provide, the better the quiz questions will be.

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Create quiz questions

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Create quiz questions by AI

Knoowy makes the best quiz questions for you using AI technology. Simply feed the system with the desired topic or text and it will do the rest. The more context you provide, the better the quiz questions will be.

Receive 64 questions and answers

Once the topic or text is known, the system takes over from there. Knoowy generates a list of 64 quiz questions. If desired, you can expand the questions and answers and adjust them to your own preference.

Learn and sell the quiz questions

With the help of the quiz questions you can increase your knowledge or prepare yourself for an exam. In addition, it is possible to make the questions public, so that other students can purchase the quiz questions.

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Deal: get 10% off when you purchase 3 or more items!

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At Knoowy you buy and sell the best studies documents directly from students. <br> Upload at least one item, please help other students and get € 2.50 credit.

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