These terms of use are applicable to every use of Knoowy.

1 Definitions
Terms of use: The terms as described in this document.
Knoowy: The provider of the website, Knoowy V.O.F., is located at Eburonenweg 20, 6224 HW in Maastricht. Chamber of Commerce number: 51888521, VAT number: NL850214427B01. You can contact us via email at [email protected].
User: The natural person with whom Knoowy is going to enter an agreement.
Intellectual property rights: All rights concerning intellectual ownership and related rights , like copyright, , trademark, patent, model law, trade law, database rights and neighboring rights, as well as rights concerning knowhow and deliveries assimilated.
Seller: A user who is offering documents for sale.
Buyer: A user who is buying documents.
Tutor: A user who is offering a service.
Client: A user who has booked a tutor.

2 Applicability
2.1 The terms of use apply to any employment of Knoowy.

2.2 Before you’ll be allowed to use the website, you’re being asked to read the terms (conditions) and to accept them. Without your acceptation the website cannot be consulted.

2.3 You’ll have to guarantee Knoowy that you’re going to act in accordance with these terms of use. Apart from this you’ll have to ensure Knoowy that at all times (at any time) you’re going to perform your obligations arising from these terms of use and that you’ll comply with all laws and regulations which apply to the use of the website.

2.4 Knoowy is at all times entitled to change or to complete these terms of use. You’ll find the most actual conditions on the website. The user will be at any time informed about alterations. If you continue the application of Knoowy after these terms of use have been altered or completed, as a consequence you irrevocably accept the altered or completed terms of use.

3 Account and profile
3.1 In order to be able to buy or to sell documents at Knoowy, you’ll have to register an account, like it has been described on the website. Knoowy is entitled to decide at its own discretion to refuse granting an account to a user. Creating fake accounts is not permitted.

3.2 At the creation of an account, you’ll have to guarantee towards Knoowy that you’re going to fill in all the required account information completely, in total accordance with the truth and correctly. At the creation of an account you’ll have to agree that Knoowy is going to store your data in order to use them in connection to the management of the website. Please consult our Privacy policy here.

3.3 If you have not yet reached the age of sixteen (16) ,you’ll need the approval of your parent(s) or your guardian to be entitled to create (and to open) an account. By (means of) accepting these terms of use, you declare that you are at least 16 years old or that you have been granted permission by your parent(s) or guardian to open an account.

3.4 After an account has been created, you yourself remain responsible for the correctness and the completeness of the information provided. Knoowy doesn’t hold itself responsible for any potential flaws, which are caused by incorrect or incomplete information provided by the user.

3.5 It’s not allowed for you to open an account on another person’s name, unless this person has granted you permission to do so.

3.6 You yourself are responsible for the confidentiality of your account password and you’re not allowed to grant access to Knoowy to other individuals with the aid of your account. You yourself are responsible for anything that’s going to happen as a result of the fact that other persons are using your account, with or without your consent.

3.7 Knoowy reserves the right to change application requirements and web contents just like that, without in any way being liable for damages at the advantage of the user.

3.8 By creating an account you grant Knoowy a free, unencumbered, worldwide sub-licensable, non-exclusive license to disclose information from your profile.

3.9 You’re allowed to terminate your membership at any time.

4 Intellectual property rights
4.1 The intellectual property rights concerning the website, the service and the information which is presented by Knoowy, rest with Knoowy.

4.2 Under the conditions as have been formulated in these terms of use, Knoowy is granting you a limited, personal, revocable, not exclusive, not sub-licensable, not transferable right to examine the files and data, which are made available by the website. It’s not allowed to copy, to distribute and to disclose files and data or to use them in any other way than stated in these terms of use, unless Knoowy has explicitly granted permission to do so. These rules are not applicable to files and data which have been entered into the website by yourself.

5 Liability
5.1 Knoowy is not liable for any damage on the side of the user or third parties, which is not caused as a result of using the services of Knoowy, unless mentioned otherwise in these terms of use.

5.2 In any case Knoowy can never be hold responsible for consequential damages, also including pure financial damage, loss of income and profit, loss of data and intangible (immaterial) damage, related to or arising from the services which are being provided by Knoowy and/or your use of the website.

5.3 Knoowy will not accept any liability for damages, which are caused by third parties, who do or do not use the services of Knoowy.

5.4 User will indemnify Knoowy against all claims of third parties , which are related to the application of the service by the user and/or related to the insufficient compliance of any obligation by the user towards Knoowy, whether or not resulting from these general terms of use.

5.5 However this limitation of liability doesn’t aim at ruling out the liability of the daily management of Knoowy for acting on purpose and/or for intentional recklessness ("own functioning") as well as of the board of directors of Knoowy.

6 Rates and payments
6.1 All prices are including Value Added Tax (VAT) and other taxes which are being imposed by the government.

6.2 Creating an account at Knoowy is free of charge.

6.3 The user determines the price of the documents and services which are being offered at Knoowy.

6.4 Knoowy solely functions as the platform where users find each other and it has no part in the agreement which is going to be concluded between seller and buyer, or between tutor and client.

6.5 Payments take place like indicated by Knoowy. It’s not possible and not allowed to pay in any other way. The payment has to take place at the very moment the agreement is being concluded.

6.6 The information of Knoowy with regard to the amount of the payments to users is leading, unless the users can prove their right.

6.7 Knoowy accepts no liability whatsoever regarding incorrectly purchased documents. It’s not possible to exchange or to cancel documents. Disagreements about documents and the regarding payments will be settled between Knoowy, the seller and the buyer through the restitution form.

6.8 Knoowy reserves its right to change the tariffs of the rendered services. Knoowy is compelled to send a relevant announcement about this alteration by email to the user not later than one month in advance.

6.9 Users can payout their balance when they have reached the minimum of 15 dollars. Fixed balance that has been required with making a deposit cannot be cashed out. The user is responsible for providing the correct data regarding payments, including the correct account number and the correct account holder.

7 Privacy
7.1 While making use of the service, you’ll be supplying Knoowy with personal information. This information will be stored and incorporated in accordance with the Privacy policy of Knoowy as well as in accordance with the applicable laws- and regulations.

8 Uploading
8.1 You guarantee Knoowy, that you are completely entitled regarding the files you’re uploading. You release Knoowy as well as all of its affiliated individuals of all claims from third parties, which are based on the allegation that any sole document could be violating the (intellectual properties) right of third parties. All costs made by Knoowy and all damages suffered by Knoowy as a result of such claims have to be compensated by you.

8.2 When you’re uploading files, you’ll guarantee that:
(a) you’re entitled to undertake such actions and you’re acting in accordance with the conditions described in these terms of use.
(b) files, which you’re going to dispose of, are not against any law or regulations whatsoever.
(c) Knoowy will not be compelled to do any payment whatsoever to any one in connection to the unlawfully uploading of files.
(d) you will inconclusively hold responsible for all licenses and commitments to pay towards any third party connected with the uploading and application of documents.
(e) you shall not bring any viruses , Trojan horses, worms, bots or other software, which may damage automized tasks or data, into contact with the website.

8.3 Knoowy doesn’t interfere in the correctness of the content of documents. For that reason Knoowy will not accept any liability whatsoever for documents, which are uploaded to the website by users.

8.4 You acknowledge and you agree, that as a result of uploading the document to the website, you’ll automatically grant Knoowy a free, unencumbered, worldwide, sub licensable, not exclusive license to multiply and to disclose files within the framework of offering services on the website.

8.5 Documents that have not been sold for a consecutive period of 18 months will be automatically removed from the platform.

9 Downloading documents
9.1 It’s possible to download documents at the fixed price through the website. To be able to download documents, you’ll have to possess an account.

9.2 Documents which are downloaded by users, will stay accessible for that account as long as this account as well as the document are located on Knoowy. If the document has been removed by the author, the user cannot lay a claim anymore on the already downloaded document.

10 Study services
10.1 Knoowy does not provide services itself. Knoowy only provides the platform where tutors and clients can find each other to make an appointment.

10.2 Knoowy is not liable for any damage that may arise from not filling, canceling or changing agreements between the tutor and the client.

10.3 Upon termination of the agreement by the tutor, the full amount will be refunded.

10.4 Agreements are made between the tutor and the client. Knoowy is not part of this agreement. Knoowy is not liable for the quality of the services of tutors. Knoowy is also not liable for the behavior of clients.

10.5 It is not allowed to schedule appointments that are not settled via Knoowy. The client and the tutor are obliged to conclude agreements via Knoowy.

11 Right of withdrawal
11.1 Users can cancel their purchase without giving reasons for a period of 14 days after purchase. Knoowy may ask at any time about the reason for revocation.

11.2 The reflection period expires 14 days after the day on which the user made the purchase at Knoowy.

11.3 If the user makes use of his right of withdrawal, he will report this within the reflection period by means of the refund form.

11.4 If the user makes use of his right of withdrawal, Knoowy will arrange for a refund of the purchase price. The full purchase amount will be credited to the Knoowy balance of the user.

12 Final provision
12.1 On these terms of use and on the application of the service and the website Dutch law applies.

12.2 If Knoowy should be taken over, merging or developing otherwise to another legal body, all rights and obligations between users and Knoowy will be transferred to this other legal body.

12.3 If a condition from these general terms of use or from any other agreement should appear to be invalid, this will not affect the validity of the whole of the general terms of use. As a replacement parties involved will determine new conditions, which should be giving shape to the intentions of the original agreement as much as possible.

12.4 These terms of use contain all agreements, which have been made between parties involved. Verbal statements, promises or engagements have no formal legal status, unless these are confirmed in writing.

13 Termination
13.1 The user is entitled to terminate his membership at Knoowy at any time.

13.2 Knoowy reserves the right to freeze accounts and to remove them if you act contrary to these conditions.

13.3 An account will be recorded as inactive if no activity on Knoowy has taken place for a period of twelve consecutive months, including visiting the platform with your account.

13.4 Once your profile has been registered as inactive and there is still a remaining balance in the account, five dollars will be deducted from this credit every month. This amount is debited monthly until the balance reaches the amount of zero dollars, or until the account is reactivated. You can reactivate an account by logging in to your account.

13.5 If the user still has money on his account after termination of the membership, this can only be paid if the payout limit has been reached (minimum 15 dollar).

13.6 If a user account has been deleted because of violation of these terms, the user loses his right to payout the remaining balance. 13.7 Knoowy does not guarantee that its service will be accessible at any time without limitations or disturbances.

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