Offer study services

Tutors offer study services on Knoowy to help students with their studies. Study services can consist of tutoring, checking reports or help with homework assignments.

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Help online

You can communicate with the students online and offer help from a distance. This way you can help students with their studies.

Flexible working

You can organize your own time and earn money in addition to your lectures and work. You provide study services where you want and when you want.

Secure payment

Knoowy guarantees a secure payment. Students pay before the service begins, and funds are released once the service has been finished.

Earn money

Tutoring, translation work, checking theses, help with homework assignments. You decide which service you provide and how much it costs.

How does it work?

Add free services

Earn money by tutoring, grading theses, translating, or helping students in any other way. You decide what the service entails, where it takes place and how much it costs.

Students respond to your service

Get in touch with students who are in need for help and receive bookings and messages requesting help with a particular problem.

Send a proposal

Send the student a proposal on how you can help him or her in an appropriate way. Talk to each other and come to an agreement that suits both.

Get paid always and securely

Once your proposal has been paid, you can start performing the service. When the agreement is fulfilled, you will be paid after the end date of the service. Students pay in advance, but Knoowy keeps hold on the money until the service is delivered as agreed. This way, both the tutor and the student are never disappointed.

What services can you offer?

At Knoowy you are free to choose what and how you want to help other students.


Provide tutoring Improving assignments Review reports Thesis help Translate texts To give feedback Advising on a presentation Help with research

Not allowed

Take exams Writing complete reports Commit fraud

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What do others say about study services?

Seyma studies Social Work. By offering study services to other students, she earns money every month to finance her student days. Read here how she experiences this.

Reflection is very important within the Social Work programme. I know from fellow students that not everyone finds this easy. I am good at it and I enjoy helping others. I therefore offer to provide reflection reports with feedback and to link these to the competences of the student. I have two or three assignments every month. When I have exams myself, I sometimes turn off the service so that I can focus on my own studies. It is very nice that you are your own boss and that you can decide for yourself how much work you take on and when you work on it.

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Orders of more than 500 dollars realized.

Tutors have already added 1350 services.

Earned more than € 50,000 in study aid.

Every year more than 1500 students are helped by study services.

Go after assignments yourself by responding to calls.

Every day, new students receive study services through Knoowy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What services can I offer as a tutor?

At Knoowy you may choose for yourself what services to offer. Think of tutoring, thesis revision, and translating texts. These services may be suited for certain courses in school, but you can also add services for a wider audience.

Who can be a tutor at Knoowy?

Everyone may become a tutor at Knoowy. At Knoowy both students and professionals offer services to help students. Students for example are suitable to become a tutor when you excel in a particular subject in school.

How much do I earn as a tutor?

You can determine the rate of the service yourself. Together with the student you agree upon a total price. Base your rate on your own experience, your level of education and reviews. 90% of earnings are paid to the tutor.

How do tutors get paid?

Before services can take place, students need to pay the amount due to Knoowy. Without payment the service cannot start. When the service starts, the payment is automatically released to the tutor's account. This way tutors do not need to be afraid of not getting paid.

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Deal: get 10% off when you purchase 3 or more items!

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At Knoowy you buy and sell the best studies documents directly from students. <br> Upload at least one item, please help other students and get € 2.50 credit.

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