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If a patient's Coomb's test is positive, what do we do?
nothing, she is RH positive so we do not need to treat
If a patient's Coomb's test is negative, what do we do?
give rhogam at 28 weeks and 72 hours after birth
What is the only form of non-hormonal contraception other than barrier methods such as condoms?
The vaginal ring for contraception must be taken out how often?
every 3 weeks
If a patient is on birth control and is currently having breakthrough bleeding, then what do we do?
increase the progesterone
How do we treat temporal arteritis?
If a patient is on birth control and they miss one pill, what should they do?
double up
If a patient is on birth control and they miss two pills, what should they do?
double up for 2 days
If any woman comes in with painless vaginal bleeding between periods (esp if she is postmenopausal), what should you do?
do a pregnancy test and then refer for endometrial biopsy to rule out endometrial cancer In terms of the breasts, is used for screening and is used for diagnosis.

mammogram; ultrasound
When do we screen for group B strep in pregnancy?
weeks 35-37
When do we perform alpha fetoprotein screening in pregnancy?
15-20 weeks
Alpha fetoprotein screening in pregnancy can help determine the presence of what in pregnancy?
spina bifida and anencephaly
What is placenta previa?
when the placenta blocks the cervical opening of the uterus
What is placenta abruptio?
when the placenta either fully or partially detaches from the uterine wall
When does placental abruption most commonly occur?
in the third trimester
What is the major difference in symptomalogy between placenta abruptio and placenta previa?
a placental abruption is painful whereas placenta previa is painless
If a pregnant woman comes in with painless vaginal bleeding, what should we be considering?
placenta previa
What is the recommended treatment for polymyalgia rheumatica?
Patients with SLE are going to have what abnormal labwork?
elevated ESR and CRP
How do we treat lupus flares?
What are common sequelae of fibromyalgia?
insomnia and depression
What is a great treatment option for fibromyalgia?
amitriptyline (a TCA) because it helps with chronic pain, sleep, and depression
How is fibromyalgia diagnosed?

when at least 8 out of 11 points bilaterally are tender to touch and the symptoms have lasted longer than 3 months
What is slipped capital femoral epiphysis?
when the femoral head of the hip is out of place
What is the trendelenburg sign and when is it positive?
when the patient is standing straight and the pelvis on the unaffected side drops; this is a sign of a slipped capital femoral epiphysis

What is the biggest side effect of colchicine?
How would you describe the appearance of molluscum contagiosum?
papules that are umbilicated and contain a caseous plug
How do we treat a broken clavicle in an infant?
no treatment; it should heal on it's own
At what week of pregnancy is the uterus palpable just above the pubic symphysis?
week 12
At what week of pregnancy is the fundus palpable halfway between the pubic symphysis and umbilicus?
week 16
At what week of pregnancy is the fundus of the uterus at the umbilicus?
week 20
At what week of pregnancy is the fundus of the uterus halfway between the xiphoid process and umbilicus?
week 28
At what week of pregnancy is the fundus just below the xiphoid process?
week 34
Increased sweat production is a sign of what endocrine disorder?

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Lidia Kareithi

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