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NURS 6675 Mid Term Exam.

NURS 6675 Mid Term Exam.

NURS 6675 Mid Term Exam. Which of the following are consistent with current data related to the prevalence of drinking alcohol? A . Men and women with higher education and income are less likely to drink alcohol. B . Men and women with higher education and income are more likely to drink alcohol. C . Men and women with lower education and higher income are more likely to drink alcohol. D . Education and income are not a factor in prevalence of drinking alcohol. Discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender identity is known as which of the following? A . Gender role behavior B . Gender discordance C . Gender nonconformity D . Internalized sexual prejudice The fear of social situations, including situations that involve scrutiny or contact with strangers is known as which of the following? A . Specific phobia B . Social anxiety disorder C . Generalized anxiety disorder D . Avoidant personality disorder Recurrent preoccupation with sexual urges and fantasies involving the act of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer is known as which of the following? A . Frotteurism B . Sexual Sadism C . Sexual Masochism* D . Other Specified Paraphilic Disorder Which of the following is not consistent with the onset of OCD? A . More than half of patients with OCD have a sudden onset of symptoms. B . The onset of symptoms for about 50 – 70 percent of patients occurs after a stressful event. C . Most patients keep their symptoms secret initially. D . The onset of OCD is typically preceded by OCD personality traits. Which of the following neurotransmitters increases libido? A . GABA B . Serotoni n C . Oxytoci n D . Dopami ne A term used to designate the behavioral patterns of family members who have been significantly affected by another family member’s substance use or addiction is which of the following? A . Denial B . Enabling C . Codepende nce D . Enmeshmen t Data indicate which of the following regarding women drinking while pregnant or breast feeding? A . Women who are pregnant or are breast-feeding should not drink alcohol. B . Women who are pregnant should not drink alcohol but drinking alcohol while breastfeeding is not a risk to the baby. C . Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding can drink one alcoholic drink up to 3 times per week without concern for risk to the fetus or baby. D . Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can safely drink occasionally without risk to the fetus The recurrent urge to expose one’s genitals to a stranger is known as which of the following? A . Fetishism B . Voyeurism C . Exhibitionism D . Paraphilic disorder A patient reports having a panic attack several years ago in an elevator and since then has avoided using elevators. This patient meets criteria for which of the following? A . Social phobia B . Specific phobia C . General anxiety disorder unspecified D . Obsessive-compulsive disorder The APRN consensus model did which of the following? A . Merged adult, gerontology and pe

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