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NFPA-99: Practice Test Questions Study & Answers

NFPA-99: Practice Test Questions  Study  & Answers

Under which of these conditions shall the instrument Air Reserve header cylinders be permitted to be stored with the instrument air compressor?
A) the mechanical equipment room does not contain a boiler.
B) the medical air compressors are in the same room.
C) the only motor-driven machinery in the room is for instrument air equipment.
D) the room is secured with lockable doors. - AnswerC) The only motor-driven machinery in the room is for the instrument air equipment
Riser valves are those valves located where?
A) adjacent to the main riser downstream of any zone valve.
B) anywhere in the lateral branches of the piping system.
C) in the mainline adjacent to the base of the riser.
D) in the riser adjacent to the mainline. - AnswerD) In the riser adjacent to the main line
When is the initial pressure test conducted by the installer?
A) after blowdown of the distribution piping.
B) after installation of alarm sensors.
C) before blowdown of distribution piping.
D) before installation of station rough in assembly. - AnswerA) After blow-down of the distribution piping.

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