$ 22.72

1. Which of the following is an open ended question? a. What brought you in today? b. Where does it hurt? c. Have you been checking your blood pressure? d. When was the last time you were seen by a doctor? Answer:A. It is the only choice that would invite a paragraph for an answer rather than a short statement 2. Which of the following is the most basic function and therefore should be tested first in an assessment of mental status? a. Behavior b. Consciousness c. Judgment d. Language Answer: B. According to your textbook, consciousness is the mos

1. Which of the following is an open ended question?  a. What brought you in today?  b. Where does it hurt?  c. Have you been checking your blood pressure?  d. When was the last time you were seen by  a doctor?  Answer:A. It is the only choice that would invite a paragraph for an  answer rather than a short statement  2. Which of the following is the most basic function and therefore  should be tested first in an assessment of mental status?  a. Behavior  b. Consciousness  c. Judgment  d. Language  Answer: B. According to your textbook, consciousness is the mos

1. Which of the following is an open ended question?
a. What brought you in today?
b. Where does it hurt?
c. Have you been checking your blood pressure?
d. When was the last time you were seen by
a doctor?
Answer:A. It is the only choice that would invite a paragraph for an
answer rather than a short statement
2. Which of the following is the most basic function and therefore
should be tested first in an assessment of mental status?
a. Behavior
b. Consciousness
c. Judgment
d. Language
Answer: B. According to your textbook, consciousness is the mos

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