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The nurse answers a patient’s call light and finds the patient sitting up in bed and
requesting pain medication. What will the nurse do first?
a. Check the orders and give the patient the requested pain medication.
b. Provide comfort measures to the patient.
c. Assess the patient’s pain and pain level.
d. Evaluate the effectiveness of previous pain medications.
2. The patient’s medication administration record lists two antiepileptic medications that are
due at 0900, but the patient is NPO for a barium study. The nurse’s coworker suggests
giving the medications via IV because the patient is NPO. What will the nurse do?
a. Give the medications PO with a small sip of water.
b. Give the medications via the IV route because the patient is NPO.
c. Hold the medications until after the test is completed.
d. Call the health care provider to clarify the instructions.
3. The day shift charge nurse is making rounds. A patient tells the nurse that the night shift
nurse never gave him his medication, which was due at 2100. What will the nurse do first
to determine whether the medication was given?
a. Call the night nurse at home.
b. Check the medication administration record.
c. Call the pharmacy.
d. Review the nurse’s documentation.
4. A nurse makes an error when administering medications to a patient. Which action by the
nurse requires the supervising nurse to intervene?
a. The nurse completes an incident report.
b. The nurse informs the prescriber of the error.
c. The nurse documents adverse effects to the medication error.
d. The nurse records completion of an incident report in the medical record.
5. A patient is prescribed ibuprofen 200 mg PO every 4 hours as needed for pain. The
pharmacy sends up enteric-coated tablets, but the patient refuses the tablets, stating that
she cannot swallow pills. What will the nurse do?
a. Crush the tablets and mix them with applesauce or pudding.
b. Call the pharmacy and ask for the liquid form of the medication.
c. Call the pharmacy and ask for the IV form of the medication.
d. Encourage the patient to try to swallow the tablets.

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Clare RN

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