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BIOD 152 Module 2 Exam Essential Human Anatomy & Physiology II: Portage Learning With Verified Q & A Latest Updated 2024

BIOD 152 Module 2 Exam Essential Human Anatomy & Physiology II: Portage Learning With Verified Q & A Latest Updated 2024

BIOD 152 Module 2 Exam Essential Human Anatomy & Physiology II: Portage Learning With Verified Q & A Latest Updated 2024

What is Alzheimer's disease? - -Form of dementia (memory deficit)
-degenerative disease
- results in mental decline until brain can no longer control basic bodily functions
What structural changes does alzheimers cause? - -formation of plague
-entanglement of neurons
-lack of neural firing
-leads to neuron death
-shrinkage of the cerebral cortex gray mater
What are the stages of alzheimers? - -early: difficulty remembering new things
-mid: brain loss interferes with basic memory skills, mood changes, disorientation
-late: difficulty speaking, swallowing, walking
What is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)? - motor neuron disease which can lead to
paralysis, loss of speech, swallowing, breathing
-degeneration of ventral horn motor neurons
What is paralysis? -
What is a complete or total spinal cord injury? - -Cord is completely severed at any level
-TOtal motor and sensory loss occurs below the site of damage
What is paraplegia? - paralysis from the waist downn
What is quadriplegia? - paralysis of all four limbs
What is carpal tunnel syndrome? - -compression of the median nerve
-causes decreased sensation in the first 3 1/2 digits
What is claw hand? - -damage to ular nerve
-inability to open 4th and 5th digit
What is sciatica? - -Pressure on the sciatic nerve from the surrounding muscles
-causes pain in lower pelvis down to posterior thigh
What is paralysis? - Loss of motor and sensory function caused by localized damage to
spinal cord or spinal nerves
Name the 4 brain divisions - Cerebrum, brainstem, diencephalon, cerebellum
Name the ventricles of the brain -2 lateral ventricles, third ventricle, fourth ventricle
What are brain ventricles - Protective cavity of brain filled with CSF
Name the 3 meningeal layers of the brain - dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
What is the dura mater and subdural space?- in brain - Dura: outermost layer, double later
Subdural: space below dura
What is the arachnoid meninx and subarachnoid space?- in brain - arachnoid: loose layer of
connective tissue below the dura
subarachnoid: space below arachnoid, contains blood vessels and CSF
What is the pia mater?- in brain - Thin connective tissue attached to brain, below the
What is the choroid plexus? - Network of blood vessels in ventricles of the brain
List functions of CSF - Protects chemical enviro, allows brain to float, cushions brain and
spinal cord

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