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NR 509 Final Exam Questions with Correct Answers Latest 2023 Update

NR 509 Final Exam Questions with  Correct Answers Latest 2023 Update

NR 509 Final Exam Questions with
Correct Answers Latest 2023 Update
A 35-year-old female with a history of migraines presents to the clinic with worsening symptoms
for the past few weeks. She reports waking up at night with headaches and nausea. Her only
medication history is oral contraceptive pills (OCPs). Otherwise, she states she is healthy. Which
of the following actions if taken by the NP is the best next step?
Take a further history and perform a very careful neurological exam
A grandmother is accompanying her 9-year-old granddaughter during a routine physical
examination. She asks you privately if her granddaughter has started puberty yet. During the
examination, the NP notes asymmetric projection of the areola and nipple of the right chest to
form a secondary mound above the level of the breast. The left breast is underdeveloped. These
assessment findings are consistent with which Tanner Stage of development?
Primary prevention is defined as which of the following?
Interventions designed to prevent disease
Based on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations, which of the
following statements is true about screening for breast cancer in average-risk women?
Mammography is recommended every 2 years for women aged 50-74 with insufficient evidence
for screening women over the age of 75.
Which of the following statements is true regarding recommendations by the eighth Joint
National Committee (JNC8) for adults aged 60 and older? Select all that apply.
Target blood pressure should be <140 and is “well tolerated and without adverse effects to health or quality of live, treatment
does not need to be adjusted.”
In those aged 80 or older, blood pressure targets of 140 to <150/70 to 80 appear optimal for
notable reductions in stroke, cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality.
Which of the following is a useful strategy when examining young children between the ages of
1 and 4?
Have the parent facilitate the exam (e.g., removing clothes, holding the child on lap).
The NP is completing the review of systems on a 4-month-old female during a routine encounter.
Which statement from the parent may indicate a cardiac problem

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