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RBS Exam With Answers

RBS Exam With Answers

Which term is defined as drinking a lot of alcohol in a short time period? - Binge drinking
Which neighborhood quality of life issue is most affected by the overuse of alcohol? -
Which condition is associated with alcohol-impaired driving? - Reduced concentration
When alcohol is mixed with ______ the side effects can range from discomfort to death.
- Medications or recreational drugs
What is the best way to sober up an intoxicated person? - Only time will sober up an
intoxicated person
What does "BAC" mean? - Blood alcohol concentration
Which statement is true regarding people with a high tolerance to alcohol? - They are
better at hiding their intoxication
Which type of food works best to slow the speed at which alcohol is absorbed by the
body? - Fatty foods
The use of foul language is an example of - The lowering of inhibitions
Which statement about alcohol's path through the human body is true? - No digestion is
needed in alcohol absorption
What is the primary purpose of ABC's T.R.A.C.E. program? - Identify and investigate
where persons under 21 years of age obtained alcohol and who was killed or obtained
serious injury or accident
It is unlawful for a person who has _____ percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in
his/her blood to drive a vehicle. - 0.08
When can a 19-year old legally serve alcoholic beverages in a restaurant? - When the
server's primary responsibilities is to serve food
Who has the right to visit and inspect any establishment that sells alcoholic beverages?
- ABC and local law enforcement
What is the duty of the designated RBS certified person at a non-profit organization's
temporary alcohol event? - To remain onsite for the duration of the event

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