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ATLS Post Test Complete Exam 2023/2024 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

ATLS Post Test Complete Exam 2023/2024 QUESTIONS AND  ANSWERS

ATLS Post Test Complete Exam 2023 QUESTIONS AND
1. Which of the following is the recommended Method for trestemt frostbite?
A. Vasodilators
B. Anticigulants
C. Warm (40 degrees) water
D. Padding and elevation
E. Application of heat from a hairdryer
- C. Warm (40 degrees) water
2. Which of the following physical findings suggest a cause of hypotension other
than spinal cord injury?
A. Prispism
B. Bradycardia
C. Diaphragmatic breathing
D. Presence of deep tendon reflexes
E. Ability to flex forearms but not extend them
- D. Presence of deep tendon reflexes. Spinal shock refers to loss of
muscle toe (flaccidty) and loss of reflexes.
3. The primary indication for transferring A patient to a higher level trauma center is:
A. Unavailibility of surgeon or operating staff
B. Multiple system injuries, including severe head injury
C. Resource limitations as determined by the transferring doctor
D. Resource limitations as determined by the hospital administration
E. Widened mediastinum on chest x-ray following blunt trauma
- C. Resource limitations as determined by the transferring doctor (MÅ
4. A young man sustains a rifle wound to the mid-abdomen. He is brought promptly
to the ED by prehospital personnel. His skin is cool and diaphoretic, and his
systolic blood pressure is 58mmHg. Warmed crystalloid fluids are initiated
without improvement in his vital signs. The next, most appropriate, step is to
A. a laparotomy
B. An abdominal CT-scan
C. Diagnostic laparoscopy
D. Abdominal ultrasonography
E. A diagnostic peritoneal lavage
- A. Laparotomy because of hemodynamic abnormality
5. A 42-year-old man is trapped from the waist down beneath his overturned tractor
for several hours before medical assistance arrives. He is awake and alert until
just before arriving in the ED. He is now unconscious and responds only to
painful stimuli by moaning. His pupils are 3mm in diameter and symmetrically
reactive to light. Prehospital personnel indicate that they have not seen the
patient move either of his lower extremities. On examination in the ED, no
movement of his lower extremities are detected, even in response to painful
stimuli. The most likely cause for this finding i

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