$ 3.20

Simple Secrets behind Difficult Accounting-concepts (Scratch to Balance Sheet ) Volumes I and II

Simple Secrets behind Difficult Accounting-concepts (Scratch to Balance Sheet ) Volumes I and II

These secrets are a result of umpteen mistakes I have committed in the course of more than 45 years of accounts-writing, including preparation of more than 700 real-life balance-sheets and over 150 real-life project-reports, all manually, an indication that analytical capabilities have not been handed over to the computer.

Add to this, over 25 years of teaching accounts and related subjects and conducting programs for many schools and colleges.

No need to memorize entries. No need to use any tricks to remember concepts. These secrets, deep-rooted in logic and common sense, are explained in an easy-to-understand step-by-step method.

These secrets, apart from becoming a life-long asset, would not only help the learner in understanding advanced chapters quite easily but also make classroom instructions, video and YouTube lectures, tuition sessions and self-study efforts more comprehensible.

Prior knowledge of accounts is not necessary.

Accounts is no rocket science. If this book is studied methodically as suggested, the simple secrets of accounting (from scratch to preparation of balance sheet from raw data) (all the volumes) can be learnt in about two weeks, without any assistance.

If I am not mistaken to be having a high opinion of myself, I can confidently state that the above compilation stands many notches above existing text books, reference materials, internet downloads, etc. of even the leading professors, authors and practicing accountants because the above compilation is not just bookish knowledge, but practical understanding born out of more than 45 years of roller-coaster ride of ups and downs in real-life accounting-career.

This compilation would help students in not only acquiring knowledge and scoring high, but also simultaneously getting prepared to start an accounting career.

This compilation can help freshers, applying for an accounting job, to brush up their knowledge before getting ready for an interview.

Non-finance businesspersons, with the help of this compilation, can stop signing blindly on the dotted line as asked for by their auditors and be able to ask questions before confidently attesting the papers.

Irrespective of the level of accounting knowledge a learner has, with the help of this compilation (all the volumes), he / she needs a maximum of 15 days of self-study to understand the basic nuances of accounting and be able to prepare balance sheet from raw data.

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