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Rich Dad Poor Dad Complete audio book Robert kiyosaki | Poor Dad Rich Dad Audiobook 2021

Rich Dad Poor Dad Complete audio book Robert kiyosaki | Poor Dad Rich Dad Audiobook 2021

book summary, personal finance, investing, wealth creation, mindset, financial education

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a personal finance book written by Robert Kiyosaki that explores the differences in mindset and approach to money between his "rich dad" (his friend's father, who was a successful entrepreneur and investor) and his "poor dad" (his biological father, who was a highly educated but financially struggling government employee).

The book emphasizes the importance of financial education and understanding the difference between assets and liabilities. Kiyosaki argues that most people are stuck in the "rat race" of working for money instead of having money work for them, and that the key to building wealth is to acquire assets that generate passive income. He also encourages readers to adopt a "can-do" mindset and to take calculated risks in investing.

Throughout the book, Kiyosaki shares anecdotes and lessons learned from his own experiences as an entrepreneur and investor, as well as those of his "rich dad". He stresses the importance of financial literacy and challenges traditional notions of what it means to be wealthy.

Overall, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a popular and influential book on personal finance and investing, promoting a mindset shift towards wealth creation and financial independence through education and smart investments.

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