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This is your fourth individual assignment. This assignment is 100 points. It is due on June 13th, Tuesday, at 11:59 pm.
This assignment must be typed in a Microsoft Word document with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The text must be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5" by 11") with 1" margins on all sides, and a minimum of one and a half pages in length excluding diagrams (optional), and including the references, if available. You don’t need to use references. Try to use your own words.

You can use the following website to review a good example for using references in this format:
• https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html

Based on the case study below, answer all the questions. Read the Week 8 PowerPoint
Slides, and pay attention to the examples.

Consider an insurance company that is interested in reducing the processing times and costs for automobile and homeowner claims. Initially, the organization understands the solution may impact several stakeholders across the company. To better understand who to involve in the needs assessment phase, the business analyst develops a RACI matrix to determine the roles and levels of responsibility.
Following table shows an example of a partial stakeholder list for the insurance company. Other possible stakeholders might be the claims operations manager, claims examiners, partners, and suppliers

Product Manager
Business Analyst Product Development Team Mobile Technical Team
Project Manager
Identify problem or opportunity A C R C C
Assess current state of the organization
Recommend action I A R C C C
Prepare business case I A R C I I

• R—Responsible. Person performing the needs assessment,
• A—Accountable. Person(s) who approves the needs assessment, including the business case, when
• C—Consult. Person or group to be consulted for input to understand the current problem or opportunity, and
• I—Inform. Person or group who will receive the results of the needs assessment.

Explain the following (20 points each):
1- Discuss collaboration points (who would be involved).
2- Investigate the problem or opportunity.
3- Gather relevant data to evaluate presented situation.
4- Draft the situation statement.
5- Obtain stakeholder approval for the situation statement

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