• Uncover the fascinating story of human history, from prehistoric times to the present day. Witness the birth of civilizations, explore ancient wonders, and embrace the transformations of the modern age. Journey through the ages and expand your knowledge of...

    Secondary school / History
    $ 2.16 hits 3 pages
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  • Verkrijg een grondig begrip van financieel management. Ontworpen om studenten de kennis en vaardigheden te geven die nodig zijn om de complexiteiten van financieel management aan te pakken, behandelt deze uitgebreide gids een breed scala aan onderwerpen. D...

    VMBO / Economie
    $ 2.16 hits 14 pages
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  • Discover the differences between private limited and public limited companies. Explore their structures, owner's capital, decision-making processes, risks, and profits. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Gain insights into company re...

    International High School / Finance
    $ 2.16 hits 12 pages
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  • Unveil the inner workings of businesses, labor, and stakeholder expectations with this concise and insightful text. Explore the diverse world of human labor, ranging from manual tasks to leadership roles, and discover the crucial role of assets in business...

    International High School / Finance
    $ 2.16 hits 8 pages
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  • Whether you're a law student, business professional, or simply interested in understanding the intricacies of contractual relationships, this guide has you covered. Explore the five key requirements of a contract, including the crucial "meeting of minds" w...

    International High School / Finance
    $ 2.16 hits 6 pages
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  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of financial management. Designed to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of financial management, this comprehensive guide covers a wide range of topics. Dive into the fundam...

    International High School / Finance
    $ 2.16 hits 12 pages
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