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Brand New 2023 GPH GU Epidemiology Midterm Exam With Best Solutions

Brand New 2023 GPH GU Epidemiology Midterm Exam With Best Solutions

Brand New 2023 GPH GU Epidemiology Midterm Exam With Best Solutions

UGPH-GU 30 Epidemiology for Global Health (Section 002) Fall 2020
Professor Barnes


Read these instructions carefully:

● The midterm is worth 20 points (and 20% of your final grade)
● Each question is worth 0.5 points, unless otherwise noted
● The midterm covers the content of lectures through October 26, 2020
● You may work collaboratively with other students
● For multiple-choice questions, underline, bold, or highlight your answer choice
● Type all answers, including calculations
● Show all work; points will be taken off for not showing all work
● Express all results using at least 1 decimal place (e.g., 21.3% not 21%; 213.2 per 1,000, not 213 per 1,000)
● Refer to lecture 13.1 for how to report RD, RR, and OR results
● All short-answer responses must be in your own words and must be written in complete sentences. Two or more students whose answers are verbatim the same, or nearly verbatim the same, may be asked individually by the instructor to discuss their answers to ensure comprehension.
● Short-answer responses will be graded based on the accurate and specific application of concepts covered in lectures.
● Points will be taken off for exceeding the word limit on short-answer responses.
● Submit your homework electronically on NYU Classes in the Assignments tab, by 12 noon, NYC time, on Monday November 2, 2020. Grades will be reduced by 0.6 points for each 24-hour period your homework is late, starting at 12 noon on Nov. 2. For example, if you submit your homework at 12:01 pm Nov. 2, a 19.0 grade becomes an 18.4 grade; if you submit in the second 24-hour period, a 19.0 grade becomes a 17.8 grade, etc. To avoid technology glitches, consider submitting a few hours early.
● Include your last name and “Midterm” in the file name (eg., Barnes Midterm)

- Which disease, all else equal, is most appropriate for surveillance? (choose one)
A. A rare disease with a cure and a high case fatality rate B. A rare disease with no cure and a low case fatality rate
C. A common disease with a cure and a high case fatality rate
D. A common disease with no cure and a low case fatality rate

- Explain why the prevalence of a disease in a population might increase despite no change in the incidence of that disease. (50 words or less) (1.5 points)
Prevalence of a disease in a population can increase despite no change in incidence of the disease due to what they measure. Incidence only looks at the new cases but prevalence accounts for both old and new cases in a population. Ultimately, incidence can remain the same while prevalence increases.
- The strength of John Snow's study of the relationship between water source company (the exposure) and cholera (the outcome) in London in the mid-19th century depended primarily on which of the following study design characteristics? (choose one)
A. It distinguished prevalence from incidence.
B. It distinguished component causes from sufficient causes.
c.It identified the Vibrio cholerae bacterium.
D. It controlled for confounding.

- Which of the following is NOT a normal practice of epidemiology? (choose one)
A.Estimating the 1-year pravalence of sclerosis cholangitis B. Treating patients who have Covid-19
C. Comparing the 1-year incidence of SARC-CoV-2 infection with the 1-year incidence of influenza
D. Estimating the extent to which regulations to limit opioid prescribing practices lead to a reduction in drug overdose

- Which is NOT a basic assumption of epidemiology? (choose one)
A. Epidemiology studies can consistently report the actual distributions of disease.
B. Death and disability do not occur at random.
C. Causal factors can be identified or inferred through the systematic investigation of human populations.
D. Identifying causal factors can lead to preventive interventions.

- Age-specific mortality rates per 100,000 persons are reported in the table below for two populations. Calculate the crude rates for each population, and then re-calculate the rate for population A after standardizing to population B's age distribution. (Show all work and fill in the yellow cells with your answers) (each cell and related calculation is worth 0.5 points =
1.5 points total)

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