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AFOQT (Aviation) Questions With Verified Answers Latest Update

AFOQT (Aviation) Questions With Verified  Answers Latest Update

AFOQT (Aviation) Questions With Verified
Answers Latest Update
fixed-wing aircraft structure - ANSWER 1. Fuselage
2. Wings
3. Tail assembly or empennage
4. Landing gear
5. Powerplant
6. Flight instruments/controls and control surfaces
fuselage - ANSWER body of an airplane. Contains the cockpit, the cabin,
the cargo area if there is one, and attachment points for other major
airplane components, such as wings, tail section, and landing gear.
cockpit - ANSWER from which the pilots and the flight crew control the
aircraft's operations
Two design types of fuselage construction - ANSWER 1. truss
2. monocoque
Truss construction fuselages - ANSWER use steel or aluminum tubing in
a series of triangular shapes (called trusses) to get the necessary strength
and rigidity
monocoque designs - ANSWER use bulkheads, stringers, (running the
length of the fuselage) and formers (perpendicular to stringers) of various
sizes and shapes to support a stretched or "stressed" skin
wings - ANSWER airfoils attached to each side of the fuselage that serve
as the main lifting surfaces supporting the airplane in flight.
airfoil - ANSWER an aircraft part or surface (such as wing, propeller
blade, or rudder) that controls lift, direction, stability, thrust, or propulsion
for the aircraft.
monoplanes - ANSWER airplanes with one set of wings
biplanes - ANSWER airplanes with two sets of wings
cantilever wing - ANSWER requires no external bracing, getting its
support from internal wing spars, ribs, and stringers, as well as the
construction of the wing's skin or covering
semi-cantilever wing - ANSWER requires both internal bracing and
external support from struts attached to the fuselage
ailerons - ANSWER extend from about the middle of the wing out toward
the wingtip; they move in opposite directions to create aerodynamic forces
that cause the airplane to roll
flaps - ANSWER extend outward from near where the wing joins the
fuselage (called the wing root) to about the middle of the wing's trailing
edge. The flaps are usually flush with the rest of the wing surface when
cruising flight; when they are extended, the flaps move downward together
to increase the lift of the wing for takeoffs and landings. Most common high
lift devices.
chord line - ANSWER the distance from the leading edge of the wing to
the trailing edge. Cuts the airfoil into an upper surface and a lower surface
mean camber line - ANSWER if we plot the points that lie halfway
between the upper and lower surfaces, we obtain a curve called the mean
camber line.
camber - ANSWER the maximum difference between the the mean
camber line and the chord line. A measure of the curvature of the airfoil.
thickness - ANSWER the maximum difference between the upper and
lower surfaces
wingtips - ANSWER the ends of the wings
wingspan - ANSWER the distance from one wingtip to the other
a planform - ANSWER the shape of the wing viewed from above
dihedral angle - ANSWER when the left and right wings aren't truly
horizontal to the fuselage, but instead meet at this angle. Built into the
design for roll stability; a wing with some dihedral will naturally return to its
original position if it encounters a slight displacement
Three basic wing types on modern airplanes - ANSWER 1. straight
2. Sweep
3. Delta
Straight wings - ANSWER mostly found on small, low-speed airplanes, as
well as gliders and sailplanes. These wings give the most efficient lift at low
speeds, but are not very good for high speed flight, especially that
approaching the speed of sound
swept wings - ANSWER (either forward swept or swept back) is the most
common design for modern high speed airplanes. Creates less drag than
straight wing designs, but is somewhat more unstable at low speeds.
moderate sw

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