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Reading Response: Economies of Dying: The Moralization of Economic Scarcity in U.S. Hospice Care

Reading Response: Economies of Dying: The Moralization of Economic Scarcity in U.S. Hospice Care

Reading Response Rubric
Sociology 110: Introduction to Sociology
Throughout the quarter, you are required to complete four reading response papers due
before the start of class. Each paper should be broken up into two sections: “Summary” and
“Response.” I detail the content of these sections below in the rubric. The papers must be at
least 2-3 pages long, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.
Papers must be turned in before the start of lecture through through Canvas. Each
class session on Canvas has an area to turn in your reading response paper.
You may choose which four class sessions you turn in the papers. You should take
advantage of this built in flexibility and plan ahead which days work best for you and fit best
into your life. I will only accept your first four papers (i.e. If you get a lower grade than you
hoped, you can not turn in more than 4 to raise your grade.)
Purpose of Assignment:
• Encourage students to engage in the readings more deeply at least 4 times per quarter.
• Give students an opportunity to practice reading and interpreting academic articles on your
own in a low stakes environment.
• Prevent students from falling too far behind on the readings before the Midterm or Final.
Check Plus (5/5 points):
• The paper summarizes or describes each reading for that day in a way that makes it clear the
student completed each reading in a thoughtful manner.
• The response section engages in the reading in a thoughtful manner.
• This is purposefully vague, and I encourage you to engage with the readings in
whatever way you see fit. If the reading connects to your life at Northwestern or
something you experienced, feel free to write about that. If you see how these
readings connect with each other or with another class you are taking, write about
that. If you strongly agree or disagree with one specific reading, write about that.
• You do not need to discuss every reading in the response section.
Check (2.5/5 points):
• The paper talks about that day’s readings in a superficial way that makes it seem like the
student skimmed the readings.
• The paper does not talk about every reading assigned that day.

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Elizabeth Wanja

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