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Superior School of Real Estate Exam Problem Areas| Questions and Answers, 100% Verified| Updated 2024

Superior School of Real Estate Exam Problem Areas| Questions and Answers, 100% Verified| Updated 2024

Superior School of Real Estate Exam Problem Areas| Questions and Answers, 100% Verified| Updated 2024
all of the rights and interests that go with the land
land and all of the tenements that can be inherited
a right interest of privilege that goes with the land (item in the bundle)
a gradual process in which the boundary of riparian land is extended by natural
the permanent receding of the water which leaves the ground under it dry and
a natural process in which the flow or movement of water gradually produces a
loss of riparian land
a rapid or sudden change in riparian land, either loss or gain, resulting from violent
natural causes
eminent domain
the government's power to take private property for public use by paying the owner
fair and just compensation
the taking of property under the power of eminent domain
police power
the power a government has to enable it to fulfill its responsibility to provide for
the health, safety, and welfare of the public
fee simple absolute
provides the greatest form of ownership available in real property
fee simple determinable
inheritable freehold estate in the form of a fee simple estate, however the title can
be terminated by the grantor under certain conditions
pur autre vie
measured by the lifetime of another person other than the person receiving the title
life estate
noninheritable freehold estate created only for the life of the named life tenant (one
who holds a life estate)
the right that a life tenant has to transfer his/her title to another person or pledge
the title as security for a debt
estate for years
a nonfreehold estate for any fixed period of time and automatically terminates at
the end of that period
estate from year to year
a periodic nonfreehold estate that automatically renews at the end of its period if
the parties do not provide otherwise
estate at will
a nonfreehold estate for an indefinite time and may be terminated by either party
instantaneously by giving notice to the other party
estate at sufferance

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