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If you knowingly make a false statement in an application
for a driver license or identification card, can you be fined
and placed in prison upon conviction? - ...ANSWER...Yes,
penalties up to a maximum fine of $ 5,000.00 and
imprisonment up to 5 years!
Can a person temporarily operate a farm tractor on the
highway without a driver license? - ...ANSWER...Persons
who drive only vehicles like farm tractors or road machines
temporarily on the highway may drive without a license
You must obtain a new license showing the new address
within how many days of moving? - ...ANSWER...10 days
If you lose your Florida driver license and need a
replacement license, where do you apply for it? -
...ANSWER...Driver's license office.
If you failed to answer a traffic summons, would you be able
to renew your license? - ...ANSWER...No.
What would happen to the license of a driver who was
involved in an accident and did not stop to help persons who
were injured? - ...ANSWER...Have license revoked.
If you receive twelve points within twelve months, for how
long will your license be suspended? - ...ANSWER... no
more than 30 days.
What are the penalties for driving under the influence
(DUI)? - ...ANSWER...Fine,Community Service, Probation,
Imprisonment, License Revocation, DUI School, DUI
School Requirement Evaluation conducted to determine
need for treatment, Ignition Interlock Device.
Both your judgment and vision are affected after drinking
alcohol. Which is affected first? - ...ANSWER...Judgement.
What are the penalties for refusing to take a test to
determine whether you are intoxicated? -
...ANSWER...Have your license suspended.
What type of insurance must you have on motor vehicles
with four or more wheels? - ...ANSWER...$10,000 of
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and $10,000 of Property
Damage Liability (PDL).
If your driver license is revoked for DUI or suspended for
too many points, what type of insurance must you either
purchase or prove that you had on the date of the violation
or effective date of the suspension? - ...ANSWER...Bodily
injury liability insurance.
What are the penalties for littering? - ...ANSWER...fined up
to $500 or jailed up to 60 days. You can be charged with a
first-degree misdemeanor and fined up to $1,000 if dumping
more than 15 pounds of trash.
If you hit a parked car and are unable to find the owner,
what should you do? - ...ANSWER...Give the owner your
name, address, and tag number in person or in a note
attached to the object that was hit.
When a crash results in property damages of any amount,
must the driver notify the Florida Highway Patrol, the
Sheriff's Department, or the City Police Department? -
...ANSWER...If the crash causes injury, death, or property
damage, it must be reported. Call the local police, the
Florida Highway Patrol, or the county Sheriff's office.
After a crash has been investigated by an officer, does the
driver need to send a written report to the Department of
Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles? - ...ANSWER...If the
crash is investigated by an officer, the driver need not make
a written report. If property damage appears to be over $500
and no report is written by an officer, you must make a
written report.
Who is required to wear seat belts when riding in the front
seat of a car or a pickup truck? - ...ANSWER...Driver and
all passengers.
Who could be charged with a violation if a fourteen-year-old
front-seat passenger is not wearing a seat belt? -
...ANSWER...The driver.
What is the maximum speed limit for passenger cars on a
two-lane highway during the daytime? - ...ANSWER...55
mph unless otherwise posted.
What is the maximum speed limit in a residential area if
there is no speed limit sign? - ...ANSWER...30mph.
What is the maximum speed limit on an interstate highway
on a clear day? In a rural area? - ...ANSWER...70mph on
some rural interstate highways.
When are you driving too slowly, can you be issued a ticket?
- ...ANSWER...Yes.
What must you do when approaching a person who is riding
or leading a horse upon or near the roadway? -
...ANSWER...Use reasonable care when approaching a
person who is riding or leading an animal on the roadway or
shoulder of the road.

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