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MMBIO 221 Breakwell Final Review Test Questions and Answers Top Graded 2024

MMBIO 221 Breakwell Final Review Test  Questions and Answers Top Graded  2024

Suspected Case - shows symptoms consistent w/ outbreaks
Probable Case - symptoms consistent w/ definition
Prevalence - number of cases of a disease that is always in an area
prevelance rate=
total cases/ population
Incidence - number of new cases/number of people at risk of the disease
Kochs Postulates - 1. The suspected organism should be present in all cases of the
disease and absent from healthy animals
2. The suspected organism should be grown in pure culture
3. Cells from a pure culture of the suspected pathogen should cause disease in a
healthy animal
4. The organism should be re-isolated and shown to be the same as the original.
Not perfect
Problems w/ Koch's postulate - 1. Carriers can be asymptomatic. More than one
pathogen can cause the same symptoms.
2. some microbes cannot grow in pure culture
3. not all microbes are equally pathogenic
4. some microbes cannot be grown in pure culture
Phases of infectious disease - Incubation (when you get the disease to when you
start showing symptoms)
Prodrome (initial onset of symptoms)
Clinical (typical signs and symptoms of disease)
Decline (symptoms begin to subside)
Convalescence (recovery)

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