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BYU MMBIO 221 Final Review – Breakwell Exam Study Guide Top Graded A 2024

BYU MMBIO 221 Final Review – Breakwell Exam Study Guide Top  Graded A 2024

Define and describe the physical, chemical, and cellular components of the innate immune
response. - Physical factors are barriers to entry or processes that remove microbes from the
body's surface
The epidermis consists of layers of tightly packed epithelial cells that are periodically shed. (makes
up dust)
That it is dry makes it inhospitable to microbes.
Cebum- unsat fatty acids; inhibit growth of persperation
Chemical factors are substances made by the body that inhibit microbial growth or destroy them
Sebum forms a protective film
Unsaturated fatty acids lower the pH of the skin (pH3-5) and inhibit the growth of certain
pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
Perspiration contains lysozyme, an enzyme capable of breaking down cell walls of gram-positive
bacteria and, to a lesser extent, gram-negative bacteria
physical - mucous membrane, endothelia (deny entry to pathogens)
Mechanical - Shed, sweep, peristalsis, flush (remove pathogens from potential sites of infection)
Micro-biome - resident bacteria (compete with pathogens for cellular binding sites and nutrients)
Chemicals and enzymes in body fluid/tissues (Sebum, fatty acids, lysozyme, gastric pH, enzymes
and bile, lactoferrin/transferrin; water proof barrier, lower pH, destroys cell walls, inhibit and kill
bacteria, iron-binding proteins)
Antimicrobial peptides - kill bacteria by attacking membrane
Plasma protein mediators - Acute proteins/ complement (inhibit bacterial growth, initiate
Cytokines - interleukins, chemokines, interferons (stimulate immunity, recruit white blood cells,
induce antiviral defense)
Inflammation mediators - Histamine (vasodiolation), Leukotrienes (inflammation), Prostaglandins
(inflammation and fever) Bradykinin (vasodialation)
Granulocytes - Netrophils (pagocytic against bacteria); Eosinophils (weak phagocytic); Basophils
Monocytes and macro
Describe the role of phagocytes, inflammation, fever, and antimicrobial substances in protecting
the human body against infection. - Phagocytes: Defensive cells (white blood cells)
Inflammation: it signals an area for a force of phagocytes to locate and fight
Fever: increases the temp to kill pathogen
Antimicrobial Substances: kill the microbes that are bad
Describe how the innate and acquired immune systems are linked. - Macrophages! They help the
immune system fulfill their purpose specifically; = Big eater; They clean our bodies of invaders
Major players: Neutrophil and macrophage
Describe the 4 characteristics of acquired immunity. - RADS
Specific: recognize and respond to antigens
Diversity (adaptiveness): Can respond to billions of antigens
Anamnestic (memory): recall previous contact
Recognition: can differentiate between self and others
Define antigen, complete antigen, hapten, and antigenic determinant. - Antigen: Toxin or other
foreign substance that creates an immune response in the body; signals antibody production
Complete antigen: composed of macromolecular carrier and epitopes (determinants) that can
induce immune response
Hapten: Antigens that are only immunogenic when attached to a protein carrier.
Antigenic determinant: parts of antigen that are recognized by immune system
Explain the roles of MHC proteins. - Allow T Cells to distinguish self from non self.
- unique to each person
- Type I or Type II (found on acquired immunity cells)
-they are protein markers on the outside of the cell which mark it as our own cell or as foreign, the
proteins will bind with foreign fragments if infected
Describe the roles of each type of leukocyte. - BCELLS: originate and mature in bone marrow;

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