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UGA History Exemption Test Questions and Answers 100% Pass

UGA History Exemption Test Questions and Answers 100% Pass

GA History Exemption Test Questions and Answers 100% Pass He was a spanish explorer who marched across Mexico and conquered the Aztecs Hernan Cortes He explored deep in USA, first to discover and cross the Mississippi River and claim it for Spain Hernando de Soto This man was a member of the English Parliament who founded the colony of Georgia. James Edward Oglethorpe Who was Georgia's 3rd and final royal governor who fled the colony after the start of the American Revolution? James Wright In what year did the 13th amendment abolish slavery and involuntary servitude? 1864 Who settled land in New York along the Hudson River? The Dutch This man was an African American educator born into slavery who called for black progress through education. Booker T Washington Act of Congress that created and established the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes, and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender. Federal Reserve Act In what year was the Federal Reserve Act ratified? 1913 What machine automated cotton processing and INCREASED the need for slaves? Cotton Gin This man was a quaker who founded Pennsylvania. He wanted to unite all of the UA colonies and pushed for democracy and religious freedom. William Penn What was Georgia's fourth capital and seat of the state government during the Civil War ()? Milledgeville In 1832 SC argued that the federal tariffs were unconstitutional and President Jackson sent Troops to force SC to pay tariffs. Nullification Crisis In 1925 a substitute teacher was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act Scopes Trial The period after the Civil War in the United States wh

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