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Balzer Riley: Communication in Nursing, 8th Edition Chapter 1: Responsible, Assertive, Caring Communication in Nursing Test Bank

Balzer Riley: Communication in Nursing, 8th Edition Chapter 1: Responsible, Assertive, Caring Communication in Nursing Test Bank

Balzer Riley: Communication in Nursing, 8th Edition,
Chapter 1: Responsible, Assertive, Caring Communication in Nursing Test Bank
1. Which statement describes the affective aspect of learning effective communication strategies?

a. a. “The nurse should use clear, direct statements using objective words.”
b. b. “The nurse uses body language that is congruent with the verbal message.”
c. c. “The nurse believes that positive communication strategies build confidence.”
d. d. “The nurse practices assertive and responsible communication strategies.”

2. The nurse manager asks the staff nurse to work an extra shift. Which response by the staff nurse is assertive and based on rational beliefs?

a. a. “I don’t want you upset, so I will work extra.”
b. b. “Why do I always have to cover extra shifts?”
c. c. “I am not able to work an extra shift.”
d. d. “If you can’t find anyone else, I will do it.”

1. 3. A nurse manager offers a staff nurse a choice between working 8- or 12-hour shifts. Which statement, if made by the staff nurse, is nonassertive and may resu lt in a frustrated response from the nurse manager?

a. a. “I want to decide the shifts

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