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CSTU 101 quiz 6 Quiz Rome and Christianity Fall 2023// CSTU 101 - Chapter 6

CSTU 101 quiz 6 Quiz Rome and Christianity  Fall 2023// CSTU 101 - Chapter 6

CSTU 101 quiz 6 Quiz Rome and Christianity
Fall 2023// CSTU 101 - Chapter 6
History of My Calamities - CORRECT ANSW-Abelard's autobiography
feudal oath - CORRECT ANSW-bound the feudal lord to serve a higher lord in
the hierarchal order of heaven and hell - CORRECT ANSW-the thoughts that
reflect the spirit of the early Middle Ages
monasteries - CORRECT ANSW-the centers of evangelism and learning in
England and Ireland
Charlemagne - CORRECT ANSW-the man who unified Europe in a Christian
empire and fostered a renaissance in learning and the arts
Anglo-Saxons - CORRECT ANSW-the Germanic warlords who took power in
England as Rome declined
monasteries - CORRECT ANSW-the centers of book production
animal skin - CORRECT ANSW-the material that books were hand copied onto
Hiberno-Saxon - CORRECT ANSW-the "illuminating" style that English or Irish
monks use when the piously hand-copying texts
Book of Kells - CORRECT ANSW-a famous gospel book that represents the
text's initial letter "T" as a bizarre animal with clawed feet and serpentine neck
Beowolf - CORRECT ANSW-the Anglo-Saxon epic based on a story brought to
England by Danish invaders
Scandinavian or Norse culture - CORRECT ANSW-the culture portrayed in
Eddas - CORRECT ANSW-poetic sagas composed in Nordic Iceland that
recount for example the apocalyptic destruction of the world of the gods
Vikings - CORRECT ANSW-the famous sailors who by 1000 had settled
Greenland and explored North America

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