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Exam 4 NSG 3160 Quizzes and verified solutions

Exam 4 NSG 3160 Quizzes and verified  solutions

Increased bone density means - Less likely to have fractures
Who is most at risk for osteoporosis? - Caucasian women/ middle age
Patient teaching for osteoporosis - Sunlight exposure (need sunlight to build bone),
weight bearing exercise and walking (helps build bone, osteoblasts)
Fractures will usually occur where? - Vertebra and hip area
Who is at a higher risk for fractures? - Smokers
ankylosis - stiffness of a joint
rheumatoid arthritis - Inflammatory and on one side
Osteoarthiritis - Noninflammatory, both sides
myalgia - muscle pain
atrophy - Muscles decrease in size from not using them
What kind of pain does a fracture produce? - Sharp

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