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NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam With Complete Exams

NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam With Complete Exams

NRNP 6675 Week 6 Midterm Exam With Complete Exams

A deeply held belief despite evidence to the contrary, lasting at least 1 month, without prominent hallucinations, with functional impairment that relates to the delusional system disorder called? - Delusional disorder

Which of the following is true about preoccupation with castration? - A) This can be serious and life threatening if castration is carried out without medical supervision

Incorrect: consistent with transvestiatic disorder, other specified paraphillic disorder, or sexual machochism disorder

Which of the following is a system that provides a uniform language for describing medical and surgical procedures and diagnostics services rendered by clinicians? - CPT

Incorrect: HIPPA, DSM5-, DRG

A patient on Chlorpromazine states his orgasm is dry and afterwards he will commonly have milky urine. The APRN realizes this is which of the following? - A) This is likely a harmless response to the Chlorpromazine


A condition which results from absence of second female sex chromosome (XO) and is associated with web neck, dwarfism, cubitus valgus and infertility is known as which of the following? - B) Turners Syndrome

Turners syndrome:

tx involves hormone therapy; fertility treatments for women when they decide to have a baby

Discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender is known as? - B) Gender Discordance

Which of the following are risk factors for neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Select all that apply - Rapid dose escalation; parental route of administration; higher potency typical antipsychotics

Antipsychotic medication provides D2 blockage in the meso-coritcal pathway causing which of the following effects? - B) Increases EPS

Incorrect: reduces negative s/s, causes prolactinemia, reduces positive symptoms

Phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine exert their unique behavioral effects by blocking which of the following receptors? - D) NMDA type receptors

Incorrect: GABA, serotonin, dopamine "receptors"

The diagnosis used to describe a syndrome characterized by specific s/s resulting from recent ingestion or exposure to a substance is known as which of the folllowing? - C) Substance use disorder

Incorrect: substance intox, substance withdrawal, all of the above

Abnormal involuntary movements in a rhythmic pattern affecting the face, mouth, tongue jaw is known as which of the following? - C) Tardive dyskinesia

Incorrect: akathisia, dystonia, EPS

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