$ 36.52

Stott Pilates Exam Preparation question with verified answers by expert

Stott Pilates Exam Preparation question with verified answers by expert

Stott Pilates Exam Preparation question with verified answers by expert

Which muscle flexes the knee and extends the hip?

A) Rectus Femoris
B) Semimembranousous
C) Semitendinous
D Bicepts Femoris - D

Which muscle protracts the scapula?

A) Latissumus Dorsi
B) Serratus Anterior
C) Rhomboids
D) Mid Trapezius - B

Which joint involves the glenoid fossa?

A) Shoulder Joint
B) Knee Joint
C) Elbow Joint - A

What does contra-lateral mean?

A) same side of body
B) front side of body
C) opposite side of body - C

The scapula articulates which of the following?

A) Ribs
B) Clavicle
C) Spine - B

Pilates different that original Joseph Pilates method? - the imprint does not press lumbar spine to mat

What is another term used to describe mid-sagittal plane?

A) Transverse
B) Circuduction
C) Frontal
D) Medial Plane - D

Rotation does not occur at which of the following joints:

A) knee joint
B) pelvis
C) elbow joint
D) spine - C

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