$ 7.38

Title: Impact of e-commerce adoption on fashion Retailers: Gucci, LVMH, Coach and Burberry

Title: Impact of e-commerce adoption on fashion Retailers: Gucci, LVMH, Coach and Burberry

Title: Impact of e-commerce adoption on fashion Retailers: Gucci, LVMH, Coach and Burberry

This research is carried out to identify about the actual impacts on fashion retails – due to the adoption of e-commerce within their respective business. The desk-based research method is employed. A total of four fashion retailers were selected for analysis purposes, namely: Gucci, LVMH, Coach and Burberry. Overall, it is found that these are some of the possible positive impacts to be expected of from adoption of e-commerce: reaching out to more consumers; offer of more personalised services; enabled low costs marketing communication; provision of more information for customers; new business practices made possible; ability to gain customer feedback; gaining of market intelligence; enabled more interactive relationship building with customers; set up customer community; enhanced brand presence and brand awareness; enhanced revenue; reaching out to global market; offer of more reliable services; offer of better customer supports; having online channel to support bricks and mortar stores; become more responsive, agile and flexible; and gaining new competitive edge. It can be conclude that e-commerce indeed can make a difference for a company. While there is no certainty that e-commerce can always leave only positive impacts to a company; it is reasonable to argue that fashion retailers shall proceed to invest in and adopt e-commerce. There could have many positive impacts due to e-commerce adoption; aside from making sure that a particular fashion retailer can adapt well to the new digital economy.

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