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Exam 4: Normal Newborn NCLEX Questions and Answers

Exam 4: Normal Newborn NCLEX Questions and Answers

Exam 4: Normal Newborn NCLEX Questions and Answers

The nurse is discussing the neonatal blood screening test with a new mother. The nurse knows that the teaching was successful when the mother states that the test screens for the presence in the newborn of which of the following diseases? (Select all that apply)

1. Hypothyroidism.

2. Sickle cell disease.

3. Galactosemia.

4. Cerebral palsy.

5. Cystic fibrosis.

The nursery nurse is careful to wear gloves when admitting neonates into the nursery. Which of the following is the scientific rationale for this action?

1. Meconium is filled with enteric bacteria.
2. Amniotic fluid may contain harmful viruses.
3. The high alkalinity of fetal urine is caustic to the skin.
4. The baby is high risk for infection and must be protected.

A full-term newborn was just born. Which nursing intervention is important for the nurse to perform first?

1. Remove wet blankets.
2. Assess Apgar score.
3. Insert eye prophylaxis.
4. Elicit the Moro reflex

To reduce the risk of hypoglycemia in a full-term newborn weighing 2,900 grams, what should the nurse do?

1. Maintain the infant's temperature above 97.7°F.
2. Feed the infant glucose water every 3 hours until breastfeeding well.
3. Assess blood glucose levels every 3 hours for the first twelve hours.
4. Encourage the mother to breastfeed every 4 hours.

A mother asks the nurse to tell her about the responsiveness of neonates at birth. Which of the following answers is appropriate? (Select all that apply)

1. “Babies have a poorly developed sense of smell until they are 2 months old.”

2. “Babies respond to all forms of taste well, but they prefer to eat sweet things like breast milk.”

3. “Babies are especially sensitive to being touched and cuddled.”

4. “Babies are nearsighted with blurry vision until they are about 3 months of age.”

5. “Babies respond to many sounds, especially to the high-pitched tone of the female voice.”

A mother, 1 day postpartum from a 3-hour labor and a spontaneous vaginal delivery, questions the nurse because her baby's face is "purple." Upon examination, the nurse notes petechiae over the scalp, forehead, and cheeks of the baby. The nurse's response should be based on which of the following?

1. Petechiae are indicative of severe bacterial infections.
2. Rapid deliveries can injure the neonatal presenting part.
3. Petechiae are characteristic of the normal newborn rash.
4. The injuries are a sign that the child has been abused.

A 2-day-old breastfeeding baby born via normal spontaneous vaginal delivery has just been weighed in the newborn nursery. The nurse determines that the baby has lost 3.5% of the birth weight. Which of the following nursing actions is appropriate?

1. Do nothing because this is a normal weight loss.
2. Notify the neonatologist of the significant weight loss.
3. Advise the mother to bottle feed the baby at the next feed.
4. Assess the baby for hypoglycemia with a glucose monitor

Four newborns are in the neonatal nursery, none of whom is crying or in distress. Which of the babies should the nurse report to the neonatologist?

1. 16-hour-old baby who has yet to pass meconium.
2. 16-hour-old baby whose blood glucose is 50 mg/dL.
3. 2-day-old baby who is breathing irregularly at 70 breaths per minute.
4. 2-day-old baby who is excreting a milky discharge from both nipples.

0.25 mL
The pediatrician has ordered vitamin K 0.5 mg IM for a newborn. The medication is available as 2 mg/mL. How many milliliters (mL) should the nurse administer to the baby?

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