Marketing - Secondary Education



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  • What are the 5 populations of diffusion of innovation? -----CORRECT ANSWER-------- Innovators, early adopters, early majority, later majority and laggards What kind of data is: Previously collected and published data, and may or may not address specific qu...

    $ 19.54 hits 13 pages
    In winkelwagentje
  • This is a comprehensive notes that contains all aspects of marketing such as transportation, mechanizing and warehousing this document will help students understand those aspects stated in the notes

    school Secondary school / Management / Marketing
    $ 2.16 hits 38 pages
    In winkelwagentje
  • Marketing principles or principles of marketing are agreed-upon marketing ideas companies use for an effective marketing strategy. They are the principles upon which we build product promotion strategies. We can use the marketing principles for the effecti...

    school Secondary school / Management / Marketing book Principles Of Marketing
    $ 11.94 hits 9 pages
    In winkelwagentje
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