• Staphylococci (Genus Staphylococcus).Streptococci (Genus Streptococcus). Group A streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes).Pneumococci (Streptococcus pneumoni ae).Streptococci - normal inhabitants of the human body. Enterococci (Genus Enterococcus).Meningococc...

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  • Immunity - definition, general characteristics, types of immunity.Natural resistance of the body to infection. A protective function of the skin, mucous membranes and the body's normal microbial flora.Natural resistance of the body to infection. Humoral fa...

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  • Effect of biological factors on microorganisms.Bacterial genetics. Carriers of genetic information in bacteria.Variability in bacteria. Mutations.Variability in bacteria. Genetic exchange information between bacteria.Genetic Engineering: DNA Cloning, DNA h...

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  • Subject and tasks of microbiology. Major stages in its development.Taxonomy of bacteria.Classification and nomenclature of viruses.Morphology of bacteria - shape, size, essential and non-essential cell organelles, main differences between prokaryotic and e...

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