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NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide (LATEST-2023/2024)

NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide (LATEST-2023/2024)

1. Signs and symptoms and management of musculoskeletal sprains/strains/dislocations
16-15 When Maxwell, age 12, slid into home plate while playing baseball, he injured his
ankle. The nurse practitioner is trying to differentiate between a sprain and a strain. A
sprain A. is an injury to the ligaments that attach to bones in a joint. B. is an injury to the
tendons that attach to the muscles in a joint. C. is an injury resulting in extensive tears of
the muscles. D. is an injury th
16-98 Alexander, age 12, sprained his ankle playing ice hockey. He is confused as to
whether to apply heat or cold. What should the nurse practitioner tell him? A. “Use
continuous heat for the first 12 hours and then use heat or cold to your own
preference.” B. “Use continuous cold for the first 12 hours and then use heat or cold to
your own preference.” C. “Apply cold for 20 minutes, then take it off for 30 to 45
minutes; repeat this for the first 24 to 48 hours while awake.” D. “Alternate between
cold and heat for 20 minutes each for the first 24 to 48 hours.”
16-69 Ankylosis is defined as A. muscle shortening. B. joint stiffness. C. malposition of a
joint. D. dislocation of a joint.
16-108 Jill, age 49, has recently begun a rigorous weight- lifting regimen. She presents to
the primary care office with a shoulder dislocation. Which of the following clinical
manifestations lead the nurse practitioner to suspect an anterior shoulder dislocation
over a posterior dislocation? A. Inability to shrug the shoulder B. Absence of pain C.
Inability to rotate the shoulder externally D. Shortening of the arm
16-123 In assessing an infant for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), the
practitioner places the infant supine, flexes the knees by holding the thumbs on the
inner mid- thighs, with fingers outside on the hips touching the greater trochanters,
stabilizes one hip, and abducts and gently pulls anteriorly on the other thigh. If this
external rotation feels smooth with no sound present, there is no hip dislocation. This is
A. the Allis test. B. Lasègue’s sign. C. the McMurray test. D. the Ortolani maneuver.
16-124 Emily, age 12, presents to the clinic with another muscle strain from one of her
many sports activities. The nurse practitioner thinks that the patient was probably never
taught about health promotion and maintenance regarding physical activity. What
information should be included in patient teaching? A. “After an activity, if any part
hurts, apply ice for 20 minutes.” B. “You must fi rst get in shape with a rigorous schedule
of weight training, and then you can participate in any activity once you are physically fi
t.” C. “After any strenuous activity, you must completely rest your muscles before
beginning your next activity.” D. “Stretching and warm- up exercises are an important
part of any exercise routine.”
16-27 Upon assessment, the nurse practitioner notes unilateral back pain that had an
acute onset and increases when standing and bending. A straight- leg test is negative.
The most likely differential diagnosis is A. herniated nucleus pulposus. B. muscle strain.
C. osteoarthritis. D.spondylolisthesis.
16-67 June, age 67, presents with back pain with no precipitating event. The pain is
located over her lower back and muscles without sciatica, and it is aggravated by sitting,
standing, and certain movements. It is alleviated with rest. Palpation localizes the pain,
and muscle spasms are felt. There was an insidious onset with progressive improvement.
What isthe most likely differential diagnosis? A. Ankylosing spondylitis B.
Musculoskeletal strain C. Spondylolisthesis D. Herniated disk

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