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Fundamentals of Nursing 11th Edition by Potter Perry Test Bank 2023/2024 VERSION/GRADED A+(RATIONALES PROVIDED

Fundamentals of Nursing 11th Edition by Potter Perry Test Bank 2023/2024 VERSION/GRADED A+(RATIONALES PROVIDED

Chapter 01: Nursing Today
1. Which nurse most likely kept records on sanitation techniques and the effects on health? a. Florence Nightingale b. Mary Nutting c. Clara Barton d. Lillian Wald
ANS: A Nightingale was the first practicing nurse epidemiologist. Her statistical analyses connected poor sanitation with cholera and dysentery. Mary Nutting, Clara Barton, and Lillian Wald came after Nightingale, each contributing to the nursing profession in her own way. Mary Nutting was instrumental in moving nursing education into universities. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross. Lillian Wald helped open the Henry Street Settlement.
DIF:Understand (comprehension) OBJ:Discuss the influence of social, historical, political, and economic changes on nursing practices. TOP: Evaluation MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
2. The nurse prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcome. Which standard of nursing practice is the nurse following? a. Assessment b. Diagnosis c. Planning d. Implementation
ANS: C In planning, the registered nurse develops a plan that prescribes strategies and alternatives to attain expected outcomes. During assessment, the registered nurse collects comprehensive data pertinent to the patient’s health and/or the situation. In diagnosis, the registered nurse analyzes the assessment data to determine the diagnoses or issues. During implementation, the registered nurse implements (carries out) the identified plan.
DIF:Understand (comprehension) OBJ:Discuss the development of professional nursing roles. TOP: Planning MSC: Management of Care

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